Education makes a
door to bright future.


Education makes a
door to bright future.


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From Principal's desk

“The ability to read write and analyze; the confidence to stand up and demand justice and equality; the qualifications and connections to get your foot in the door and take your seat at the table – all of that starts with education.” Michelle Obama

As we embark upon the journey of Education , the school accepts the child as it is. We embrace the motto “ No child is left behand “. Each child is unique. The school fosters to bring out the innate talent of the child by encouraging wholesome participation in extra -curricular activities and care is taken to ensure the wellbeing and happiness of each and every student in the school.

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Outstanding learning environments and facilities

Best school facilities enhances teaching environments, improves school culture, and supports a student's educational outcomes.

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Welcome To Our Website

Education makes a
door to bright future.

Founded in 1938 by Kulapathi Dr. K.M. Munshi, bharatiya Vidyabhavan is today an all India intellectual, cultural and educational movement dedicated to the twin task of interpreting the age old yet ageless message of our country and of integrating our varied and vibrant culture with the changing needs of the present day world.

Our vision is that children leave the school with:

  • A core of moral values – honesty, integrity and good judgement.
  • A complement of basic skills – linguistic, mathematical, scientific, artistic, physical and social.
  • An enquiring and discriminating mind and a desire for knowledge
  • Strong self – esteem and high personal expectation.
  • Tolerance and respect for others.
  • Above all a Good Human being by all means…

What will you Discover?

Skilled Lectures

An institute with a good tradition of qualified, committed, and experienced faculty who work for the welfare and excellence of the student community

Anytime & Anywhere Learning

The concept of delivering teaching to students at the moment they want it using the technology they prefer, which can be offered on desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones

Library & Store

The spacious school library is packed with periodicals, newspapers and an impressive index of titles, both fiction and nonfiction.

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